Cabinetry  |  Company Logos  |  Framing and Moldings  |  Furniture  |  Marquetry  |  Relief Carvings & Wood Burning
Rough Construction  |  Restoration and Refinishing  |  Sculptures  |  Stringed Instruments  |  Wooden Tools


For all your furniture/renovation/decoration needs!
If it's wood, AwH Creations will make it beautiful.


Alan D Rogers: "Roxanna’s analytical and hand skills consistently put her at the top of her class." testimonial

Karl J Bauer: "I have seen her produce masterworks, from lifelike birds to ornate marquetry." testimonial

Floyd Scholz: "The artistry and formidable talent of Roxanna is like a shining light in an age of mediocrity." testimonial


A worthwhile charity
Copyright © AwH Creations 2013